Monday, April 19, 2010


Started playing Bayonetta today. Have no clue what the hell is going on in this game, other than Bayonetta hates angels and wants to kill them as brutally as possible. A fat Joe Pesci like character is along for the ride as an informant and there's some big tattooed brother who runs a bar called The Gates of Hell where he sells guns.

I can't get into season 3 of Dexter. It just is... meh. We're almost through it and hope that season 4 is better. Started the American version of The Office tonight. Wasn't to bad. I just don't get zealous over television like others do. Television shows get milked to long, and they run out of ideas. A show should start strong and end before it's gets to weak (Battlestar - I'm looking at you)

Not seeing a lot of enthusiasm for the new Nightmare on Elm Street. I hope it does well, I love Freddy, but I'm tired of all the reboots. The problem is, people still continue to purchase tickets to this drivel and the studios make money, so they churn it out.